From Mum on 23/07/2008

Graham, it's me, Mum or "Mother Goose" as you used to sometimes call me. At 4.14 am on Saturday 23rd July 1983 you arrived in this world-all 9lbs of you. You were gorgeous, perfect. I can't believe that only 25 years later I can't wish you "Happy Birthday" because you are not here. Why, Graham, why? I know our relationship wasn't perfect but I loved you so much and I think-I hope- you loved me too. I am sorry if I let you down. I just wish you had told me if something was wrong. If I could've helped I would have. Every morning when I go into your room and see your empty bed it breaks my heart. Later today Allison and I are going to put some flowers in the park for you. I know what you'd say-"flowers! What do they think I am?" There is nothing else we can do though. I miss you more and more each day. I wish I could see you and hear your voice again. I wish I'd had a chance to say "goodbye" properly. Maybe 1 day I will be with you again. I hope you are at peace now, son. I love you, I always will. Love, Mum xxx